Grammar school and boarding school
Schloss-Schule Kirchberg in Baden-Württemberg

A grammar school and boarding schoolwhere children and young people feel at home and can develop their talents to the full - that's us: Founded in 1914, Schloss-Schule Kirchberg an der Jagst inBaden-Württemberg. For us, learning means learning for life in a special feel-good atmosphere and developing individually.

That is why we attach great importance to the personal development of our pupils.

Laura Giese - former pupil & student teacher

The Schloss-Schule is something very special for me. My experience was very informal and warm. The class sizes were smaller and the teachers were therefore closer to us students. The practical subjects were also formative for me and today I am glad that I was able to learn these things at the school. There are simply many aspects here that are important for later life. I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to go to the Schloss-Schule. It was simply different here to other schools. It was a real enrichment for me personally!

Important information from the grammar school and boarding school

Schulgebäude Schloss-Schule Kirchberg

Info evening for Realschule and Werkrealschule students

Do you have a secondary school leaving certificate and are ready for the next step in your education? Then come along and find out more!
Information evening on school transfer - 09.04.25, 19:00

To the registration

Focus topic

ROSS - Riding Oasis Schloss-Schule Kirchberg

Passion for riding and school requirements combined: from riding offers for beginners to riding at a high level (including competition riding), we have a lot to offer as an equestrian boarding school in the leisure sector.

Further information

Latest news

Big old school party - 111 years of Schloss-Schule

Dear old students, it's that time again! On Friday, May 2, 2025, we cordially invite you to our big reunion. All information and the program can be found here:

Program & Info

Old student

Alumni portal

Once a Schloss student, always a Schloss student! In order to stay in regular contact with our alumni, we have set up a closed online portal. Events are announced here and all those who are registered have the opportunity to get in touch with each other via a bulletin board.

To the portal

Get to know

Open boarding school day

Saturday, May 24, 2025 from 12 - 4 p.m.: We would like to give you a comprehensive insight into our boarding school life during talks and guided tours of the boarding school (with registration) . Colorful supporting program: games for children, food truck, coffee & cake etc. All interested parties are cordially invited! We look forward to seeing you and your children!

More information and registration

Fundraising campaign - #BiologieSchlossSchule

Spaces create opportunities

A new specialist room, including a preparation room, is being built for natural sciences with a specialization in biology for our pupils. You too can contribute to state-of-the-art teaching by donating here.

To the donation page

We focus on the individuality of each child

Recognizing and promoting potential

The aim is to develop individual potential in the best possible way and prepare students for a fulfilled, happy and successful life according to individual standards.

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Learning to take responsibility

This is also what we are all about: we support pupils in getting involved beyond the curriculum and taking responsibility.

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Preparing today for tomorrow

Whether it's for vocational training or university studies or even later in your career - the basics and initial insights are decisive for success, which is why they are extremely important for us at the boarding school.

More info

Class size (average):

17 pupils
(max. 20)

Percentage of school lessons completed:

96 %

(in the last three school years, only 4% of lessons were canceled)


Company cooperation for internships, visits, careers advice, etc.



School computers and tablets

Experience forms the basis of individual development

Number of leisure activities:

approx. 25

Weekend offers:

3 additional

leisure activities/excursions per weekend



different home countries represented among boarding school students

Culinary care:

5 meals / day

Freshly cooked in our own kitchen at lunchtime

Our boarding school - a "second home"

There are understandable reasons why many alumni have such fond memories of their time at our boarding school as a kind of "second home" ...

Individual care

Thanks to qualified, empathetic staff and the particularly high staffing ratio

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Living in a boarding school

In a well-kept and homely atmosphere, perfectly equipped - with everything that children and young people want today

More info

Daily routine for boarding school students

Structured and thus clearly and unambiguously organized - and yet at the same time with room for individual development

More info

The holistic support package at our boarding school

... includes not only quality teaching and comprehensive encouragement and support of the students by dedicated teachers, educators and educators, the exceptional leisure activities, the modern technology or the well-kept facilities and buildings ... In fact, it includes services such as the following:

Transport services

Our boarding school mentors have several minibuses at their disposal for transportation services (train station transfers, doctor's appointments, etc.)

24/7 availability for our parents

This is particularly important in special situations: If the worst comes to the worst, parents can reach their children (or our boarding school) around the clock

Regular development reports

So that parents can see exactly how their child is developing and how potential can be optimally promoted

Trial lessons/living

Because some children and young people (as well as parents) would like to get their own impression of life and learning with us first

Welcome to the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg boarding school!

Our goal: Always promote the best!

In order to do justice to the talents and interests of each individual, we focus on the comprehensive identification and promotion ofpotential. This enables us to provide students with targeted support to help them develop their individual abilities and mature into independent and responsible individuals.

With our innovative concepts, we focus on sustainable learning for the students. They are also optimally prepared for their future path through strength-oriented career and study preparation. Schloss-Schule Kirchberg is a place to find and develop your own passions, to develop personally through individual support in the community and to take advantage of opportunities.

Our Schloss-Schule Kirchberg was founded in 1914 and is one of the most renowned grammar schools and boarding schools in Germany. The school, which is run by a charitable foundation, is state-recognized and non-denominational. In everyday school life, we pay particular attention to tolerant and open interaction with one another - in our international community, the social skills of the children and young people are strengthened, while at the same time friendships for life are formed here.

The top priority at Schloss-Schule Kirchberg is to provide each individual pupil with the best possible support on their way to a fulfilled and successful (adult) life. Our teachers, educators and staff are committed to this every day and ensure that the children and young people experience a lively, inspiring and varied time at school, in which they can develop their talents and gifts individually and in a very specific way - true to our guiding principle of Live. Learn. Work. Our classes are smaller than average, so students receive the best possible support and personal encouragement from teachers and tutors. It goes without saying that our boarding school is equipped with the latest technology so that students and teachers can work at the highest digital and media level.

The educational focus at our boarding school and grammar school is primarily on science, language and culture. In order to provide the children and young people with all-round support, we offer a varied range of leisure activities that broaden the children's technical and artistic as well as sporting and musical horizons and help them develop their existing skills. Our offer of professional support for young people in the field of equestrian sports is particularly popular.

For good reason, one of the principles of Schloss-Schule Kirchberg is "You demand the best - we encourage the best". We should and want to be measured by this in the interests of the pupils at Schloss-Schule Kirchberg. Pupils who attend a secondary school are also offered interesting opportunities at the Schloss-Schule boarding school via our advanced secondary school - including the Abitur.

Alexander Franz

Alexander Franz

School headmaster

Melanie Wies

Melanie Wies

Boarding School Director


Our school is "European School"

It was with great joy and pride that we received the official award as a European School Baden-Württemberg on February 4, 2025! This means that we are…

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Current dates

Information evening on the upper school program

Wednesday, April 09, 2025, 7:00 p.m.

Big alumni party

Friday, May 02, 2025

3rd student and parent consultation day (online)

Saturday, May 10, 2025

Open boarding school day with guided tours

Saturday, May 24, 2025 from 12 - 4 p.m.

All dates